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    University admissions videos: five great examples

    Video is a great way to sell your university in a lively and animated fashion. Here's 5 great examples of university admissions videos.
    Last updated:
    July 24, 2024

    Video is a great way to sell your university in a lively and animated fashion. Admissions videos let you give prospects an idea of what it’s like to study at your university; highlight the USPs of the campus and the surrounding area; and provide first-hand insights from existing students, alumni and staff. There’s lots of different approaches you can take to making an admissions video. Here’s five innovative examples that may provide some inspiration.

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    'Where it all begins' by Imperial College London

    This expertly produced video is an impressive two-minute summary of what Imperial is all about. Visually, there's an effective blend of film shot at the university's facilities and archive footage. The voiceover asserts the university's distinctive achievements succinctly, foregrounding its international approach to education.


    'Among the best in the world' by University of Helsinki

    Another stunningly produced video, this one even looks like a film at times. University of Helsinki's video traces the institution all the way back to its 1640 origin, right up to the modern day, highlighting its recent achievements in genetics and climate change research. It also outlines Finland's history as a country, as well as the Finns' national character: their liberal leanings, characteristic modesty and distinctive sense of humour. It's an ambitious, well-crafted and funny video with an admirable amount of scope.


    'Benefits of the MBA' by University of St. Gallen

    This video comprises first-hand accounts from enrolled students explaining why they chose the St. Gallen MBA, intercut with high-quality footage of the university, the city itself and its surroundings. It's a simple concept executed with style, and the video acts as a concise and aesthetic advert for the MBA programme.


    'Sussex Is' by University of Sussex

    Sussex takes the award for brevity. 72 seconds of the Falmer campus; its students; the study and practical work they complete; and the endlessly filmable Brighton. It's set to an energetic soundtrack and rounded off with some tasteful post-production effects. It takes confidence to cover so much ground in so little time, but Sussex carries it off with style.


    'Campus tour – University Park' by University of Nottingham

    This video is presented by enrolled students and aims to provide a realistic picture of what it's like to study and live at Nottingham's University Park campus. It's informal, down-to-earth and warm, and surmises the university's strengths engagingly. It takes in the different accommodation options, study facilities and amenities, and there's plenty of great shots of the university's impressive architecture, ranging from the historic to contemporary.


    Have you been involved in the production of an admissions video? Let us know by adding a comment or tweet us @fullfabric


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    Rob Parker

    Rob managed FULL FABRIC's digital communications between September 2015 and September 2017.

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